Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Rosetti Park

I painted this last summer near Dan's brother's house. If you follow the path, you'll get to the lake after a little walk through the woods. When Dan's Dad was alive, we used to bring him and Mom down for look see at the water. I love that about plein air painting. It creates a living memory. I can't sell this one. 8 x 16" oil

Friday, July 10, 2015

Rocky Point

This is a little watercolor study of a view from the beach near our summer cottage. At sunset, the rocks making up the point reflect pinks, reds and violets.  5 x 7"

Thursday, July 9, 2015

Peaches and Milkweed in Natural Light

We use all of our senses to inspire us in life! That was true of this painting. Dan got a box of peaches that were
absolutely delicious and I had to paint them because they tasted so good, haha!  The Vermont landscape near our summer cottage is filled with milkweed and natural grape vine leaves and together they formed the basis for this painting. 8 x 16" Oil Painting