Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Cabbage Study

Last year I grew cabbage in my garden and fell in love with how gorgeous they are.  This year, I asked my friend, Shelleace if we could paint one from her garden with the root stock in all it's perfect glory! I like this "vegetable" thing!

Baby Eggplants

This year, I tried to eat "local" by going to the great little farm stands
around my camp in Vermont.  I fell in love with these baby eggplants and hurried home to paint them before they went bad because I had to make curried eggplant soup with them (YUM). The flowers are all from my garden in the front yard.

"Morning Glory in the Dark"

So I grabbed this morning glory first thing in the morning when the sun was still coming up. I hope I captured the brightness of the flower against the dark.  Sometimes simple things can be really nice to look at.