Sunday, October 2, 2011

Early Morning in Sis's Backyard

 I received an award on this painting at the Bonita Art League Juried Member's Exhibition in Feb 2012!

So, Plein Aire has been a focus this year. I've been learning so much from an artist in Cambridge Vermont...Karen Winslow. I'll be posting some paintings of my personal goal, "The Hundred". I just thought, I should start with 100 plein aire paintings, just to get the hang of it! Plein Aire paintings are different from studio work. They are loosely painted due to changing light. I think they don't photograph very well and look considerably better in person.  But I wanted to share them along with my studio work. While vacationing in Florida this past week, I did 9 paintings, three of them with Sissy Blakslee and we just had a grand time!

1 comment:

  1. I am so glad that you like my classes, and you are doing a wonderful job! I love the fact that you get out there and try new things, applying the principals that I am trying to teach! Nice composition! :)
