Sunday, October 2, 2011

Sunrise at Laughing Gull

I started this painting one morning and went back another day at the same time to finish it. It was simply too complicated to paint in one sitting. The light changes so quickly, so it's a challenge. Village Walk is a beautiful place, don't you think?!

Early Morning in Sis's Backyard

 I received an award on this painting at the Bonita Art League Juried Member's Exhibition in Feb 2012!

So, Plein Aire has been a focus this year. I've been learning so much from an artist in Cambridge Vermont...Karen Winslow. I'll be posting some paintings of my personal goal, "The Hundred". I just thought, I should start with 100 plein aire paintings, just to get the hang of it! Plein Aire paintings are different from studio work. They are loosely painted due to changing light. I think they don't photograph very well and look considerably better in person.  But I wanted to share them along with my studio work. While vacationing in Florida this past week, I did 9 paintings, three of them with Sissy Blakslee and we just had a grand time!